Game Genres
The games
genre have been defined by its individual set of game play tests and are
classified self supporting of there setting or game world content, not like
works of fiction being films or books. As for example a shooter game is still a
shooter games, despite of whether it takes place in a fantasy world or in
games in the early 1990s such as platformers like Super Mario Bros. where the
latest craze but at the end of the decade that design of game has moved in
demand of military/sci-fi shooters.
In the
1970s the gamming has been growing with technology and through that process the
video game genres have been changing with it. For example in the mid 1970s the
biggest craze was the arcade and racing games but as time went along and technology
got more powerful game developers became more creative. And different genres
started to come out by 1985 and by the year 2000 shooter games and adventure
genres games where in. such as Halo (2001), call of duty (2003), half life
(1998) and resident evil (1996).
technology moves forward so much our gamming has changed form the personal
computer and consoles to our hand held devices such as I phones. And the time
for the big game developer producing mega blockbuster games has gone and you
will find more and more independent game developers producing small games out
there and that is the growing trend in the gamming industry in the past decade.
The genre of gamming wills all ways frequently is in flux with the march of
technology. The better the technology the more possibilities that game studios
and developers will have in creating new and exciting video game genres.
Christopher Kralevski
i do not know?